At a full meeting of Kidderminster Town Council held this evening (Wednesday 10 June 2020) Councillor David Ross, Leader of the Town Council Conservative Group called on the Progressive Alliance-led Wyre Forest District Council (WFDC) to reconsider the removal of the one hour free parking concession.
Councillor Ross said, “With the limited reopening of shops and businesses in Kidderminster following three months of lost income WFDC needs to show leadership in helping smaller, town centre-based traders on the difficult road to recovery. With three major retail units in Kidderminster town centre already announcing closure the pressure will increase over the next few months and jobs and the local economy needs help.”
Deputy Group Leader Councillor Juliet Smith said, “I have received calls from worried business owners and I fear that lost income during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic will have a serious knock-on effect on jobs, the local economy and the residents of Kidderminster. Businesses need all the help they can get at this difficult time. Large supermarkets can afford to offer free parking to attract residents to shopping areas away from the town centre so reinstating the one hour free parking could make the difference between business recovery and business closure.”
After much debate, 12 members of Kidderminster Town Council voted in favour of urging WFDC to reconsider the removal of the one hour free car parking. Sadly, this was not unanimous, with members of the Independent, Liberal Democrat and Labour Groups not supporting the motion and either abstaining or voting directly against it.